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Call Them All Out! Says Rockstar Dr. Andrew Zywiec MD

11 months ago

This down to earth, kickass, rock star doctor meets with me to open a big can of whoop ass on the "Sickcare" industry and all the liars.
I was hoping to get the same sort of "hold nothing back" kind of attitude that I saw in his Twitter posts and he certainty did NOT disappoint!
I'm thankful for his strength because it helps others to be strong. He tells us what it was living and working in the heart of wokeville(NYC) while adhering to your oath. No mask. No VAX.
Treated like a traitor for standing up for his patients and human rights.
It's been 4 years of these "doctors", many still pretending that they are doing what is best for their patients, but choosing to not look at the evidence of the damage being done to people of all ages.
He does tell us of a shared story of an 8 month old, that he told at a medical conference, that was diagnosed with a severe condition and it is evident that it could be nothing but the toxic injection.
The doctor finishes off our conversation with a quick dip in the marxist cult of trans before we finish and you want to listen all the way to the end to hear what he has to say about the industry and their fiendish plans.




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