According to, supposedly, 23 Soldiers were turned into Stone after Shooting down a UFO

2 months ago

According to CIA Declassified documents, supposedly, 23 Soldiers were turned into Stone Poles/Statues, after Shooting down an UFO/Alien Craft. Joe Rogan spoke of this on his podcast which prompted me to check out the documents and make this video. The link for the documents are below. For entertainment purposes only as we haven't a clue as to whether this is true or not.

At UFO Epicenter, we provide UFO, EXTRATERRESTRIAL, and FANTASY based content. We are a mix of Science, Theories, Astrophysics, Cosmos, Paranormal, Phenomena and Fictional tales. We touch on UFO sightings and everything related. The goal is to keep you informed and entertained.

The content provided on UFO Epicenter is for entertainment and educational purposes only. All theories, discussions, and analyses presented are speculative and should not be interpreted as factual or verified information. The views and opinions expressed in our videos are intended to stimulate thoughtful discussion and curiosity about the universe and potential extraterrestrial phenomena and do not represent definitive conclusions or evidence. Viewers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking when exploring topics discussed on this channel. UFO Epicenter assumes no responsibility for the use or interpretation of the content shared. If the video is that of a fictional tale, it will be stated within the description. Viewer discretion is advised.



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