Children’s Bible Studies-Hop To It!

11 months ago

Buster, a rabbit, is known for its long ears, which help him hear danger and maintain body heat. His short, fluffy tail signals danger to other rabbits and can show emotions. Buster has strong hind legs for hopping and jumping, but it is important to hold him tightly to avoid injury. He has 28 teeth in his mouth, including long incisors and shorter cheek teeth, and is an extremely fast chewer. He is most active during the day and night, hopping and feeding around dawn and dusk. Rabbits are pregnant every 30 days, and their babies stay in the nest for about three weeks. Their three flap mouth allows them to access grass and vegetation better. Buster's nearly panoramic vision allows them to see enemies sooner. By following Buster's example, you can learn from his wisdom and help you walk with Jesus.

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