YYV4C11 Yada Yahowah Observations Teaching Being Accountable Darkness Before the Light…

11 months ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:08 In the opening statement on the first tablet He etched in stone, Yahowah revealed that He, alone, is our God – the One who was willing and able to rescue His people.
0:04:10 It is fair to say that God is extremely disappointed in us. All mention of Yahowah has been obliterated by religion and replaced by governments.
0:08:25 But that isn’t the primary issue. Not by a long shot. Sure, Yahowah is upset that mankind has completely trashed the beautiful planet He made for us.
0:14:19 Two elements, both gasses, comprise 98% of the substance of the physical universe, with Hydrogen representing 75% and Helium at 23%.
0:15:15 As for the gold of ‘Owphyr, all we know is that Solomon coveted its gold so much that he built a fleet of ships at Ezion Geber on the shore of the Red Sea as part of a trade agreement with the king of Phoenicia in Lebanon to obtain it in large quantities.
0:20:51 Yahowah has but one home on Earth, one place He has taken a stand on behalf of His people, one site where He does His work, and it is the place His assembly of saved souls will meet, and where they will drink living waters from His spring: Mowryah!
0:27:13 What follows is called “the Judgment of Babylon.”
0:31:24 Yahowah reaffirms His intent to liberate Ya’aqob from the influence of Babel in chapter 43, celebrating the redemption of His people in the 44th chapter.
0:34:08 That is not the end of the story. The Beast born in Babylon would evolve and morph into future empires, first Persia then Greece followed by Imperial Rome and the Holy Roman Empire, ultimately metastasizing throughout the world as Roman Catholicism.
0:36:29 Therefore, I am inclined to see Maday as being symbolic of something else – perhaps a related people or idea deployed at a different time.
0:38:18 In the Hebrew text, hayah, the verb in the next sentence precedes the highly modified subject, making it a little easier to read than in English following its subject-verb-object grammar.
0:44:14 As a result, I see this as a warning, as Yahowah letting us know that irrespective of time, those who choose to live among Babel’s influences will die.
0:49:53 In that this is the conclusion of Yasha’yah 13, it certainly appears that the fall of Babel depicted herein is indicative of its rise and fall as part of religious and government influences during the last days.
0:52:46 There have been scores of attempts to translate Isaiah Chapter 13, Verses 18-22, all grappling with the unfamiliar beasts prowling the ruins of Babylon.
0:57:29 Nimrod was the initial king of the first iteration of Babylon.
1:04:04 The first city to bear this name was likely founded sometime prior to the reign of Sargon of Akkad, who ruled from 2334 to 2279 BCE.
1:08:05 It was at this time that the Euphrates River migrated to the point that it dissected the city, with the Temple of Marduk and the Great Towering Ziggurat now visible from the river.
1:10:55 Sin also had a role in the conception of Islam, well beyond the incorporation of his sign, the Crescent Moon, into the symbol of the religion.
1:14:02 Cyrus’ own account of the invasion of Babylonia, and what is now known as the Babylonian Chronicles, both describe Babylon being taken in 539 BCE without battle, consistent with Daniel’s depiction of it being captured during the night.
1:15:51 Over a century thereafter, Alexander the Great would defeat Darius and conquer Babylon in 331 BCE.
1:17:27 Then in 1978, Saddam Hussein began to rebuild portions of the ancient city, beginning with some temples, a palace, an amphitheater, and portions of the walls.
1:20:40 As previously mentioned, in 553 BCE, Cyrus the Great, the father of the Achaemenid Empire, rebelled, claiming Media as his own in 550 BCE.
1:22:33 Then in 614, the Medians under Cyaxares succeeded where the Babylonians had failed, taking Assur.
1:25:31 The Assyrian Chronicles conclude in 639 BCE after the destruction of Susa, the capital of Elam. It was subjugated by Ashurbanipal’s brother, Shamash-Shum-Ukin.
1:27:02 As we have attested, the histories of Assyria and Babylonia are as intertwined and commingled as the religion they thrust upon the world. Babylon rose and fell, only to rise again as did Assyria.

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