Celebrating 1 Year on Rumble + April 2024 TBRs (probably... possibly... or not)

3 months ago

We are celebrating our channel 1 year anniversary on Rumble and we have some great picks for our April 2024 TBRs, lots of ARCs for books releasing this year, and our Secret TBR Pick for April is "Goodreads Highest and Lowest Rated To Read" theme. Lots of exciting books and videos planned for April. Let us know if you are also planning on reading any of these books, or if you have already, let us know what you think.

Videos Mentioned:
April 2023 TBR: https://youtu.be/L2bQ4iA41No?si=82fPsI6Kj5YzupsA
Those Empty Eyes Vlog: https://youtu.be/jL8IWcdOXwU?si=xEKlDe02JDsg32ld
Looking Glass Sound Review: https://youtu.be/cDXlZgWlecw?si=tWwGIAVmpyD79Azn
Bookish Resolutions: https://youtu.be/WvZHHzKURvI?si=ZYwIIEQsYywU-kUV
Most Anticipated March/April: https://youtu.be/8P11AWQKL54?si=Vd9OuyxPbP2-07N8

Contact Us: jandabooktube@gmail.com

follow Amanda on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/37151318-amanda

follow Jen on Goodreads:

#booktube, #bookish, #bookstagram, #booktok, #youtube, #read, #april, #tbr, #apriltbr, #fantasy, #fantasyera, #booklover, #holiday, #springtime

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