Take it seriously but NOT PERSONALLY / entrapping narcissists

11 months ago

1 Seriously, but not personally

We are being hunted by "sportsmen" who lure us into their traps by playing on our innate reaction response.
What we think is self-defense is often self-deception.

2 Regulate self talk

You know they are inside your head
Recognizing the stories we tell ourselves.
Questioning assumptions and seeking clarity through assertive communication.

3 Tactical retreat

Lure to offender away from the high ground

Act responsibly, not responsively

4 Understand turf wars

It's all about provocation which is all about ego
Understanding where the other person ends and you begin.
Recognizing when it's not about you and when it is, and responding accordingly.

5 Solid Foundation of Self-Worth

Building internal security by clarifying personal values and striving to embody
Stay in your lane and let the offender make the mistakes
Seeking feedback within a secure foundation.

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