U.S. Government Warns of Hacking Threats from CCP, Iran to U.S. Water Systems

11 months ago

03/19/2024 U.S. government warns of hacking threats from CCP, Iran to U.S. water systems. They asked state governors to be on alert for potential cyber attacks on their critical infrastructure systems countrywide. The warning letter stated that drinking water and wastewater systems were an attractive target for hackers associated with Iran and CCP, because they are lifeline critical and often lack the resources and technical capacity to protect themselves from potential attacks.
03/19/2024 美国政府就中共、伊朗对美国供水系统的黑客威胁发出警告。他们要求各州州长提高警惕,以防止全国范围内的关键基础设施系统可能遭受网络攻击。警告信中写道,饮用水和废水系统对中共和伊朗的黑客来说是一个颇具吸引力的目标,因为它们对生命线至关重要,而且往往缺乏资源和技术能力来保护自己免受潜在攻击。

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