ONEEGS CLC#027 - Fiona Kaminski

9 months ago

On this live call we are pleased to be joined by the fabulous Fiona Kaminski who talks to us about Gold and Silver!

Fiona holds a Bachelor of Business, and has been a marketing professional, qualified high school teacher, TAFE teacher, and most recently a social worker having spent the last 10 years working in the foster care industry.

However due to mandates, she could no longer work in that field. Fiona was interested in protecting her wealth by investing in Gold and Silver, and so found a trusted company through which to purchase precious metals, create a home based business and diversify income streams - all while stacking precious metals! Having now experienced the platform, she has proven that it works, and can see how this is a fantastic solution to ‘unbank’ ourselves, and transfer wealth back to the people by working together as a community.

Fiona is passionate about sharing this message with others so that we can all thrive through the coming years. She believes people can earn above average income through the platform and will describe the details for us tonight! So tune in and hear all about this wonderful alternative system and learn how to help secure your wealth against financial chaos and fiat banking systems!

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