Krampus in Austria - a old tradition on St. Nicholas' day

6 years ago

The Krampus in Austria or Krumpus-run (Krampuslauf) has been held for centuries according to the very traditional way. Impressive to see greeting at the Krampus Pass (Krampus-group).

On St. Nicholas' day, in Bad Gastein for example, the so-called Krampus-pass with Nicholas, Basket carrier also called "Gurzelträger" and an angel accompanied from 5 to 7 Krampus are walking from house to house.
If there are 2 passes, a welcome ritual is held according to strict rules - the so-called setting up, begins with the the bowing of the Krampus and the subsequent meeting of the "good guys". The Santa Claus sticks are crossed and the greeting is started with the words "Greetings to the good old custom". In a short conversation, of course some experiences are shared, and one or the other drink is served. After that, the "good guys" step aside and the pre-krampus bow and "jostle" - that's how they meet each other, right of way - followed by the remaining Krampus! This is meanwhile a playful act and serves nowadays no longer to show strength and brutality - it is and remains tradition and is still lived in Gastein.

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