"Kid Tries To Run From Its Own Shadow"

6 years ago

"The world is full of new things when you are a toddler. Just take a look at this video. The cute little tot is having a relaxing day on a beach. It’s a wonderful and sunny day. However, something interrupted this idyllic scenery. The shadow! This tot got so scared of her own shadow, she started to scream super loud! She even tried to run from it! Without success, of course. Poor kid!nSo many kids are scared of their own shadows. Maybe you did too when you were young. Up to age six, children still have difficulty telling the difference between what’s real and what’s imaginary, so they need a reminder that ghosts and monsters aren’t real. So, this kid actually sees the shadow as a monster who’s following her all over the beach. Now we feel sorry for this little tot! Hopefully, she’ll soon learn that the shadow is nothing scary. Then she’d be able to enjoy the amazing beach day scare-free."

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