Do we Christians really need the Hammer Blow to wake up?!

5 months ago

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Do we as Christians really need the Hammer Blow?!

Are we all really that holy, humble and filled with Love already, that we seem to have no need for the words of the Lord anymore? Well, I don’t know about you, but I am far from that yet. My soul hungers for everything that the Lord is sending our way.

Must the world really lie in ruins? And are judgment and desolation, death and horror really the only methods for waking us up?

How many Bidens, Scholzes, Francises, Tedroses etc. do we need until we are able to recognize their satanic goals?

Spiritually DEAD, jaded, filled with rubbish, unable to communicate person-to-person, hopelessly lost without mobile, GPS and social media, head over ears in debt, misled by the corrupt media, preyed upon by slobbering and unscrupulous national leaders and officials, fed with the latest insanity of the so called ‘research’, calmed by the churches, temples and religious leaders with the promise of eternal salvation, whereby our deeds in life are completely irrelevant.

Poisoned by chemtrails, synthetic or genetically modified food; measured, cataloged, tracked and spied on by all manner of technological devices (from smart meters to TVs, cell phones, computers, traffic monitoring, municipalities, banks, insurance companies, police, our cars, our neighbors or family…),

And last but not least, we are asked everywhere, seemingly with interest, for our personal data, which is of course guarded in the most secure way (doesn’t matter – they already have your DNA) and for “OUR” opinion, so that we also disclose our “state of mind”, which in turn can be misused for control and management purposes and also to be able to tear each other apart verbally and sometimes physically. So, that was necessary – and the most important abnormalities have been deliberately “forgotten”…

Nobody cares about all this… YET (!) When the Lord is speaking through prophets, seers and scribes, as He always does – before we, as humanity, are subjected to the blow of the hammer – then, all of a sudden, we know EVERYTHING better, recognize every occuring discrepancy from OUR norm and reality, and we sort out relentlessly and radically what does not fit into OUR THOUGHT PATTERN… Well, as the Lord explained many times already… ‘Your own opinions will bring you to ruin.’

So, if we continue this way, it will end badly… And in regards to purposes of control… The newest technology to do that is the 5G mobile network, as well as a few AI supercomputers – with these they are able to control and steer us in real time!

And now back to what is important: I say this from experience and conviction to everyone I meet… “Friends, Brothers & Sisters… Prophets exist nowadays as well.”

The answer to that usually is… “Yes, yes… I know. Doomsday, hell and damnation. Who wants to hear that? I have what I need. And should something be lacking, I go to my church and ask there. But prophets? Sent by God? Forget it!”

Or… “Oh yes – I know a prophet. I really like to listen to him. Do you know xy? No? That’s not good… Which prophet are you talking about? What, you mean yz? Oh, be ever so careful with that one… I have already heard and read many bad things about him.”

These remarks are even verifiable with numbers. Let’s only look at our Main Channel on Youtube… 70’000 subscribers – according to the figures provided (which have miraculously always been the same since October 2022) only 2-3 % are listening to the messages, depending on the source of the information.

Videos with ‘news’ were the favourites among viewers…
– the Lord’s messages thru Clare (Loveletters)
– the Lord’s Messages thru Timothy (Trumpet Call of God)
– the Lord’s Messages in the Third Testament
– the Lord’s Messages thru Jakob Lorber (Great Gospel of John, Household of God, Scripture Explanations, Childhood and Youth of Jesus, Deathbed Scenes etc.)
– the Lord’s Messages thru Gottfried Mayerhofer (The Lord’s Sermons/Secrets of Life)
as well as a few other singular scriptures

What does, or does not, motivate people to view or listen to the Lord’s messages? The absolute dealbreakers are… Humility, charity, poverty, self-denial, correction & self-knowledge, even though these are the Lord’s favorite topics. The numbers of such messages are alarming, but this would be the most crucial information of all. With trend words like nuclear war, comets, aliens, Trump, epidemics, rapture etc. it is easier…

On average, only one third of each video is watched – so it becomes very clear why the Lord needs so many people who pass on His words and thoughts. It makes sense, that languages, preferences and tendencies, concerns, troubles and hardships must be considered – however, to ignore the warnings of the Creator is suicide – both physically AND mentally.

Sad, isn’t it? Christians are sensationalists like everyone else! Stubborn, selfish & know-it-alls! As it is written in Revelation 3:15-20, let’s take a quick look at the epistle to the church of Laodicea…

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wished that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I shall spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, we are rich and satisfied and have no need, and yet you do not know that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments, so that you may be dressed, and the shame of your nakedness might not be visible, and anoint your eyes with ointment, so that you may see. As many as I love, I reprove and discipline. So be ardent and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock.

A perfect description of the present time… Our Lord already conveyed this to His disciples 2,000 years ago. Well, it could be totally different, if we were willing to LEARN – to LISTEN – to BE OPEN – to BE HONEST!

If we learned…
– how to look into our own heart and seek the Lord therein
– how to ask the Lord for light and advice
– how to approach something without reservation
– how to discern with the Lord
– how to TAKE IT TO HEART and implement it

And if we would recognize how important it is…
– to exercise honest, unveiled self-observation
– to look at our fellow man with love
– to approach him amicably and assist him if necessary
– to listen to the stirring of the heart
– to love our enemies, for good thoughts and prayers can change attitudes
– to strive to save our own soul consistently
– to ban the ‘world’ – that is our self-love, imperiousness, avarice, jealousy, greed and envy from our life

And we should learn…
– to put the mobile aside
– to turn off the television
– to avoid chatter and gossip, which fall under ‘You shall not kill’
– that Jesus Christ cannot be found in ANY institution or church
– that forgiveness of sins is a personal matter and does not require an intermediary

And why should we make the effort to do so?
Because we are the children of God, and thus heirs to His glory!
Well? Are these prospects?

The Lord’s blessing and protection be with us all!

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