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SN1410: Scrambling Morale, Bad Blood & Modern Invasion ⚠️

Streamed on:

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2024/03/21/scrambling-morale-bad-blood-modern-invasion]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/03/22/sn1410-scrambling-morale-bad-blood-modern-invasion/]

This episode is a product of not being able to take the necessary time to collate and aggregate articles over the week. My extra curricular work has become increasingly occupying and that detracts from what I’m able to contribute here, and it’s good that you guys hear that. You’ll hear me expand upon this and more in this week’s transmission.

We’re covering curiosities and chaos in this episode. Seems like there may be something supernatural with this upcoming total Solar Eclipse. You’ve got the National Guard being rolled out in some states, while others are preparing for potential hazmat-related disturbances. Could they use the eclipse as a potential seeding event?

More warning signs are being flashed for what’s going on with our economy, border and overall general social welfare. This administration and it’s occupation of our country is the equivalent of the COVID cancers being hoisted onto the population. Many can see the writing on the wall, and more importantly, they can feel the changes happening. Are we entering checkmate?

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