Papal Infallibility

1 year ago

Vatican I Declaration (Dogmatic Constitution Pastor aeternus)
The Supremacy of the Apostolic See in The Church, Rev. Franz Hettinger 1890
Manual of Catholic Theology by Joseph Wilhelm D.D. PH.D 1909
The First Vatican Council, Archbishop Henry Manning, and Papal Infallibility
Christian D. Washburn
The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost’, 1866 Manning
The Centenary of Saint Peter and the General Council, 1867, Manning
The Oecumenical Council and the Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff: A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, &c. (1869) Manning
The Vatican Council and Its Definitions 1870 Manning
On the Roman Pontiff (De Controversiis) (Mediatrix Press, 2016) Bellarmine
(The Gift of Infallibility- Ignatius Press) Council Relatio by Gasser
An Inside View of the Vatican Council, Speech of Archbishop Kenrick 1870

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