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The Eugenics Crusade – “The Scientific Solution for Undesirable Humans ” – Selective Breeding
***Another Goodie*** ***One of my Top 15 Wake Up Videos***
Get to know the minds of the Elite and why they believe 90% of the Population needs to be Sterilized, Euthanized, just wiped off this planet.
After you are finished with this, ask yourself a few questions:
1. “Is our current allopathic medical system a secret Eugenics program established by the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie’s?”
2. “Do vaccines have anything do with Eugenics?”
3. “How does Planned Parenthood fit into this?”
Eugenics was an idea to prevent the idiots, the imbeciles, the feeble minded from having offspring.
Who are the perceived idiots, imbeciles and the feeble minded now in the Global Elite Eugenics Agenda?
The Masses of the World. The ones targeted with the healthy mRNA jabs.
People may believe that Eugenic began with the Nazi’s. Not true. But it evolved to Nazi’s as you will find out.
The Eugenics movement was about having healthier babies and developing a stronger society. That is a great idea and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s safe to say that is what the majority would desire.
It is the underbelly of Eugenics that we need to dig into. And the underbelly gets very ugly.
Sir Francis Galton has the idea that talent and intelligence tended to run in families. His idea was to get these intelligent families to mate with each other to produce a highly “talented” society.
Charles Darwin was Galton’s cousin. He wrote the infamous book “The Origins of Species” – can download free copy here →
Darwin’s book dealt with Natural Selection and Evolution as he thought society was evolving and only it was a “Survival of the Fittest”.
Galton thought that “natural selection” wasn’t working well, so he thought there needed to be some human intervention.
He came up with the hybrid word, “Eugenics”, meaning “Well” and “Born.”
Charles Benedict Davenport believed as Sir Francis Galton did, that “Selective Breeding” could transform the human race.
Galton and Davenport met and Davenport was going to study the Heredity aspect of it.
Davenport want to start and study experimental evolution.
Both Galton and Davenport were set on improving Human Heredity. They were off to “Breed a Better Race” as they themselves believed they were the best and the brightest.
Guess who Funded Davenports idea? The Carnegie Institution.
Davenport constructed a 10 acre research station on the North Shore of Long Island, called Oyster Bay. This is where he would study the heredity of plants and animals. He had all kinds of planting plots, cats, chickens, goats and sheep.
He would breed these animals and study their offspring, generation after generation. His goal was to unlock the mystery of evolution.
After many experiments, one
The Austrian Biologist – Gregor Mendel spent a decade experimenting with Peas. Mendel learned that there was a pattern of how pea plants passed on genetic traits. He came up with certain probability ratios of how likely it was a pea plant would look, one way or another.
So Davenport ran with Mendel’s idea. He breeds all kinds of animals looking for the Mendelian Ratio.
Davenport confirms the Mendelian Raito -- The F2 generation always produced a 3:1 ratio where the dominant trait is present three times as often as the recessive trait.
Mendel coined two terms to describe the relationship of the two phenotypes based on the F1 and F2 phenotypes. The hereditary determinants are of a particulate nature.
This was actual true science.
In 1906 the press discovered Davenport’s work. Davenport says there way to produce protein rich wheat, or chickens that lay more eggs, he predicted that the same methods would lead to a rapid improvement of the human race.
In 1909 Davenport informed his funders, the Carnegies that he had shifted his focus from animals to investigating human traits.
Davenport began sending out surveys to hundreds of people and acquiring records from prisons -- he began collecting Family Pedigrees so he could trace family trees and prove evolution works for humans just as it does with animals.
Davenport’s plan was to analyze the pedigree charts for Mendelian patterns and to identify “Desirable Traits” to be encouraged through meticulous breeding and the “Undesirable Traits” they could “breed out.”
Davenport was trying to determine is Poverty and Crime was correlated with Hereditary Traits or by our Genes. If it is, then we can try to change that and make it so those who have these “bad traits” cannot pass them down.
In 1909 Davenport sent a letter to a New Jersey school for the Feeble Minded requesting hereditary information. Davenport investigated all kinds of trait and individual characteristics, mood, weight, hair color, eye color, habits, temperament, diseases, everything.
Davenport finds this psychologist in New Jersey named Henry Goddard and he begins to focus on Feeble Mindedness – those with low intelligence.
Henry Goddard became very interested in what Davenport was doing. Henry was interested in the conditions passed down in heredity and preventing the bad things.
Goddard worked with the Feeble Minded and he developed an intelligence test.
An Idiot was defines as having the mentality of a 3 year old or less.
A Low Grade Imbecile was defined as having a mentality of a 4 to 5 year old.
An Imbecile was defined with the mentality of 6 to 8 years old.
A Moron slightly higher intelligence between 8 and 12 years old.
Goddard used the terms moron for those with an IQ of 51-70, imbecile for those with an IQ of 26-50, and idiot for those with an IQ of 0-25 for categories of increasing impairment.
A moron, by his definition, was any person with mental age between eight and twelve. Morons, according to Goddard, were unfit for society and should be removed from society either through institutionalization, sterilization, or both.
Then there is a high grade moron, they have the capability of acting normal, but they are kind of stuck in this evolutionary phase and never emerge as true adults. *Think Biden.
He said they lacked moral judgment and he constructed the term Moron.
Goddard studied 35 morons. He found that they were much more apt to pass their Feeble Mindedness to their offspring. He also found their family trees were rife with prostitutes, alcoholics, criminals and paupers (poor people).
Goddard said that “Feeble Mindedness” is the root of about 2/3 of the problems society has.
Goddard: The cause, was Defective Ancestry.
It was Goddard who brought forward the idea that if you got rid of Feeble Mindedness, you would get rid of societies problems. The task would now be to identify them.
Henry Goddard said “it takes an expert to identify the true menace of feeble mindedness.”
In his train of thought, the common person would not be capable of recognizing a feeble minded person if they were sitting next to them, but it only takes ONE feeble minded person to reproduce that would contaminate the whole and now they need “experts” to be on the lookout and identify the feeble minded.
The last thing these new Eugenicists wanted was more generations of the feeble minded.
By 1910, Charles Davenport was convinced that certain human traits were passed down in a predictable way. He thought that American society could be significantly improved if only reproduction was controlled. He became focused on developing an institution dedicated to Eugenics and Education.
Davenport traveled to NYC to meet with Mrs. E. H. Harriman, a widow of recently deceased E. H. Harrima who was a wealthy railroad executive.
Mrs. Harriman was a true philanthropist, actually helping the poor. Davenport made a pitch to her that if you really want to help improve society and rid poverty, you need to focus and invest in Eugenics. It is Eugenics that will solve the poverty problem.
He persuaded Mrs. Harriman that the future of the country was at stake and it was only Eugenics that could help save the country.
Charles Davenport said that charity and education will not help the poor “Rise to our Level.” He said it is not the environment that makes you who you are, it is your genetics from your parents. We need to “Regulate” the mating of humanity to eliminate the “Bad Genes.” If we do this, we keep the “fittest” genes in the gene pool. Not only that, the “Crime Problems” would be solved.
That is the pitch of Eugenics around 1910.
Mrs. Harriman bought what Davenport was selling as she understood genetics a little bit from her husbands horse breeding, so they agreed to finance Davenport.
So now we are in the ideal of breeding the fittest with the fittest. Now all we need to do is DEFINE the characteristics of what is fit and agree upon them.
Is that really a decision we should be making? Can it even be possible to come to an agreement on those special characteristics?
Charles Davenport believe that by breeding a superior race we can bring about the millennial kingdom on Earth.
The problem with Utopian Ideas is that they have these set of aspirations but blind you to a certain set of consequences.
In October of 1910, Davenport opened his new institute on an 80 acre plot. It was a facility to house hereditary information on Americans. This information will be used to guide the reproductive choices of the nation.
It was called, the Eugenics Record Office.
The Eugenics ideas was talked about in the 1880’s but Davenport took it up about 10 levels.
He assembled a prestigious board of scientific directors, composed of scientists, physicians and famed inventor Alexander Graham Bell.
Day to day operations were to be managed by Harry Hamilton Laughlin, an educator and eugenicist. He had a passion for poultry breeding.
Harry Laughlin served as the superintendent of the Eugenics Record Office from its inception in 1910 to its closure in 1939, and was among the most active individuals influencing American eugenics policy, especially compulsory sterilization legislation.
Laughlin really was enthused about Eugenics and really wanted to be a part of changing history.
They offered a Eugenics Training Program over a six week period in the summers where prestigious colleges students from Harvard and other Universities were taught how to investigate Family Histories, how to make useful Eugenic measurements and how to chart Family Pedigrees.
At the Eugenics Office of Records they developed a Trait Book that was armed with a plethora of human characteristic such as physical stamina, physical strength, eye color, hair color, skin color, short and stout, tall and stout, obesity, slenderness, bilateral movements, physical defects, beauty, arm folding, etc.
The Eugenics movement began to expand out from East to West.
They studied delinquents from a Juvenile Institute in Chicago. They had a trait record for them as well, like, homicide, rape, robbery, suicidal, burglary, embezzlement, fraud, forgery, larceny malicious mischief, etc.
They studied the characteristics of the insane from a New Jersey state hospital – backwardness, moronia, epilepsy, insanity, perpetual, dementia, etc.
They studied Albinos in Massachusetts – all their traits like hair, eye and skin.
They studied Circus Families at Coney Island – retarded, normal, accelerated, dwarfism, adult weight, obesity, slender and stout, tall and stout, short and slender, etc.
They studies the Amish in Pennsylvania.
They would do family interviews with just regular families and take notes like if they used tobacco, smoked, drank alcohol, gambled, how they managed their money, hoarding, sex indulgence, egoistic, anger, mood, emotions, etc.
They were categorizing and labeling what they perceived as “Imperfections.” And they would connect this imperfections with inheritance, genes, and family pedigrees.
They were creating a category of humans that they believed should not EXIST.
What you will discover is that if you are wealthy, that is an exception to the perfection rule.
They used all the data in their vaults to prove all these traits, physical, moral, emotional, mental health, mood, intelligence, moral, etc are caused by GENES.
Charles Davenport said, just as we have strains of scholars and military men we have strains of paupers and sex offenders, strains with characteristics toward robbery, larceny and criminality in general. The costs to society from these types of these “strains” -- characters is enormous and must be addressed by eugenics.
By 1913 a lot of America had heard about the ideals of eugenics. President Theodore Roosevelt wrote to Davenport and said “I agree with you, society has no business to permit Degenerates to reproduce their kind.”
“Their Kind.” You will soon see how this kind of talk can lead to a genocide on the labeled and categorized “degenerates.”
So began the “Human Breeding Business.”
Now this had to be slowly introduced to politicians so regulations could be gradually introduced to rid society of the burdens that are the result of these degenerate useless eaters.
They knew they needed to persuade those who had the power to do something about this so policies could be written and hidden secret agendas could be formulated behind closed doors.
The Eugenics Office recommended government intervention and education programs. They wanted laws that would keep defectives out of the country and keep them from marrying and having offspring. They wanted to put them in Asylums throughout their reproductive years.
They also recommended a new surgical procedure known as sterilization for both men and women.
Harry Laughlin envisioned a broader application as a eugenic tool that would eliminate effective germ plasm once and for all.
Harry Laughlin publicly said that 15,000 million Americans are Defective and would have to be Sterilized. They were labeled the “UNFIT.”
They wanted to make this into a Religion. A new movement, to create a new world.
The Eugenics movement, was based on Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
Thomas Hunt Morgan studied the Fruit Fly as it breeds quickly, it can reproduce and have offspring in just 10 days. Morgan could see mutations move across multiple generations. Morgan discovered that the hereditary traits in fruit fries were much more complex than in Gregor Mendel’s peas.
Morgan found that genes live in chromosomes. Because they live in chromosomes they often travel in pacts. So, Morgan’s discoveries complicates the idea of Eugenics. He found it is much more difficult to predict what the next generation will be like.
Morgan sat on the Eugenics board until he made these discoveries and his beliefs changed of in favor of moving forward with the eugenics program and he was against the political movement that they were attempting to establish. He thought the standards should be higher.
Morgan wanted to separate from the Eugenics Board as he said he can’t understand which fruit fly will inherit certain kinds of wing or what their eye color will be or how big they will be. He knew that Davenport couldn’t understand how humans could inherit something as vague as Criminality or how poor the next generation will be. So Morgan divided himself from this movement.
This had absolutely NO impact whatsoever on Davenport. The labeled degenerates had to be sterilized.
Enter Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was a leader of the eugenics movement, perceiving it as the only way to save society from disaster.
Kellogg organized the First National Conference on Race Betterment, held from January 8-12, 1913, at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, which included more than 400 eugenics experts from across the country.
To encourage public involvement and support, the conference held “mental and physical perfection contests,” where children and babies were given tests and evaluations for rankings, with the winners receiving medals. The schedule was also published in newspapers, and thousands attended the conference.
The core of the conference was a presentation by Harry Laughlin titled “Calculations on the Working Out of a Proposed Program of Sterilization.” He claimed that 15 million sterilizations would be necessary to save the country, as the lowest ten percent of humans were so meagerly endowed that their reproduction constituted a social menace. Laughlin described specific strategies for effective programs, since current regulations were too weak.
John Harvey Kellogg was a proponent of what he called “Biologic Living.” He had great energy, he was an entrepreneur, a health nut, a medical doctor, a medical instrument inventor and developer, a dietitian, he was obsessed with cleanliness, with purity and he believed the key to reforming society is to cleanse our bowels on a regular basis.
He invented “Corn Flakes” to help cleanse your bowels.
Eugenics made perfect sense to him as it was related to health.
Kellogg had his own “BRAND” of Eugenics in mind.
August 4 – 8, 1915, Kellogg organized and held the “National Conference on Race Betterment.” The turnout was much, much greater than expected as people from all fields showed up.
It was pretty easy to call or align oneself with the Eugenicist Philosophical Beliefs as we all have things we don’t like. If you don’t like prostitutes – that is part of the program, if you don’t like criminals – that is part of the program, if you don’t like idiots, imbeciles and morons – that is part of the program, if you are anti-drug – that is part of the program, Eugenics wants to get rid of all of these.
The ones who were for Eugenics were almost all White, all Protestant, all Middle to Upper Class, and they tended to equate “Human Worth” to the so called qualities that THEY possessed.
One speaker at the conference said: “Unless we weed out the weaklings, we will reach a point in which many of those will be a Burden to the Race.”
Over 10,000 people attended this conference on Race Betterment.
Kellogg told Charles Davenport “your efforts are beginning bear fruit...the public is beginning to understand and appreciate it.”
Eugenics began to seem like it could be the answer for all of societies problems.
May – 1917 – six psychologists met at a Feeble Minded School to meet with Henry Goddard, who now was considered the nations leading expert on Mental Deficiency.
Goddard’s groundbreaking 1912 study – “The Kallikak Family” had awakened the public to the menace of the feeble minded. You can get a free copy of this book here →
Henry Herbert Goddard's study, The Kallikak family, tracks 480 descendants of Martin Kallikak, known as the “Old Horror.” Martin Kallikak was the illegitimate son of a feeble-minded girl. Among the descendants were alcoholics, prostitutes, epileptics, criminals, illegitimate children, and children who died in infancy.
The main message of this study: You have to watch out who you mate with as your offspring could be feeble-minded degenerate burdens to society and that could ruin your reputation and reverence with your social peers.
Henry Goddard was eager to demonstrate the value of intelligence testing as a diagnostic tool. Now he had acquired enough colleagues to administer tests on a massive scale.
With the onset of World War I in 1914, what better opportunity to test the 3 million draftees of the military and figure out how many mental defectives there were among them.
They began in 1917 testing the recruits. There were two tests. One being the Alpha Test for those who were literate in English and another called the Beta Test for those who were not literate in English.
The tests were NOT real intelligence tests as they just depended on your level of education and how attuned or in touch you were with middle class culture.
These tests were administered to over 1.7 million Army soldiers / recruits.
The test led to a SHOCKING conclusion. About 50% of the Draftees were considered to be MORONS.
The new headlines were that America is Degenerating and we have to Drain this Swamp of Defects.
This so called Army IQ test was the verification evidence used to institutionalize more people initiated by eugenics.
By 1919 these IQ tests were in schools and businesses. They found that the Morons were reproducing much more faster. The word moron could be anyone who does not fit in the “normal social class.”
The word moron was at first a classification of people and then moved to a source of control.
By 1920 most of those who were institutionalized were classified as morons.
Eugenics emphasized that there are two sides of people or two KINDS of people, there are us and there are the other guys – the Morons.
It appears as of today in 2024 that the Elite have chosen the Morons to run the USA.
Charles Davenport wrote a letter wondering if a wall could be built around this country to keep out the “Cheaper Races.”
Charles was brought up in a good family and he wanted to maintain that family style of growing up in the USA. He had a lot of people that believed that too.
Davenport thought his race was losing the majority as the diverse of immigrants kept coming into the USA.
One of those who agreed with Davenport was Madison Grant. Madison Grant wrote the book “The Passing of the Great Race or The Racial Basis of European History.” Free Pdf can be downloaded here →
His vision is an American of white Europeans. He loved the Nordic Race, a tall, white, blond, blue eyed race – he thought they were the most evolved of all the races. He thought that if this race would interbreed with other races that the “inferior” other races genes would contaminate the gene pool. They definitely forbid marriage between black negros, but now they had the threat of other races.
Madison Grant said we need to preserve the Nordic Race, it is the fittest race. Grant petitioned the government to limit immigration.
Madison Grant got Laughlin to go to Washington D.C. and talk to Congressman Albert Johnson to educate him on Eugenics. Johnson was very impressed and designated Laughlin as the “Experts Eugenics Agent.”
The spent about two years formulating a Propaganda Campaign to sell to Americans that Immigration Laws must be permanent.
Lillian Russell, an actress, and political activist said that if we don’t put up the bars, there no longer will be an America for Americans.
This propaganda campaign included images of Negro fetuses having smaller skulls, evidence of Italians have criminal characteristics, and these images were shipped to Washington D.C. and openly hung on the walls of the committee rooms so all congressman could not help but see them.
Harry Laughlin then gave his reports of analysis studies how superior the Nordic race was to others and it would be difficult to assimilate other races from other parts of the world.
Harry Laughlin claimed Jews were intellectually INFERIOR to Native Born Americans. They would likely diminish the intelligence of the nation.
The Jews on the immigration committee of course were quick to object to this. But the Jews were flat out OUTNUMBERED and the Congress passes Immigration Legislation.
On May 26, 1924, President Calvin Coolidge signed “The Restriction Act” into law. Madison Grant haled it as one of the greatest achievements in the history of this country.
They reduced immigration to this country by 97%. Too bad we can’t do this right now when we are fighting a cabal that intentionally wants to destroy America.
The door was shut and it didn’t open again for 40 years. Virtually NO immigrants for 4 Decades.
This was a Major Victory for Eugenics. America was now the home of a Great People, English Speaking, a White Race with great ideals, with a Christian Religion, one Race, one Country, one Destiny.
At this time, the US congress believed Jews were inferior. Now, the US Cabinets are and US corporations are run by Jews. Go figure.
Margaret Sanger - “Babies should not be brought into this world when a fathers income is inadequate to provide for food, clothing or shelter.”
Margaret Sanger devoted her lift to legalizing Birth Control. She was a pusher for planned parenthood.
Margaret Sanger – “While we close our gates to so called Undesirables from other countries, we make no attempt to discourage and cut down the rapid multiplication of the Unfit and the Undesirable at home.”
She was very instrumental in passing Birth Control because of its Eugenics potential. A birth control activist at that time was looked down upon and a Eugenicist was much more accepted.
Heredity and Eugenics were included in the Curriculum of more that 300 Universities and Colleges.
Eugenics was also preached from Pulpits.
They used a similar propaganda campaign than the Covid Script Writers did.
They even put out a movie in 1917 called The Black Stork – Re-edited and released in 1927 as “Are you Fit to Marry?”
This was a time that families were educated about Marrying the right person to have the right offspring.
Fitter Families for Future Firesides – Contests held at Agricultural Fairs. Farmers brought their products of selective breeding — fat pigs, speedy horses, and large pumpkins — to the fair to be judged. Why not judge "human stock" to select the most eugenically fit family?
This was exactly the concept behind Fitter Families for Future Firesides.
This was sponsored by the American Eugenics Society to get everyone involved to this cult, this religion as they called it. It was all about breeding with the appropriate mate.
So this was like the very first “Beauty Contests” as families would be Judged on appearance and traits at these Agricultural Fairs, while their animals were also being judged.
It was like a best Genes Contest. They would have doctors there and give surveys about family history and physical traits – these were all factors in the final judgment.
At the end of the fair the family who bred the best children would be paraded down in front of all the rest.
Eugenics had become part of the consciousness of the country.
Even prominent African Americans took note and they were the hated ones. Crazy.
W.E.B. Du Bois – one of the founders for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – wrote the book “The Talented Tenth” – free copy here →
It was a Eugenics book about the Colored People breeding correctly to provide the best hope for the future black generations.
W.E.B. Du Bois “The Negro must begin to breed for brains, efficiency and beauty.”
He indicated that not all blacks are talented and equal.
They all believe that science can engineer a better race.
Just like Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution – he wants the utopian race.
September 1924 – at the Virginal Colony for the Epileptic Feeble Minded – the board of directors met to discuss the case of patient 1692, a 17 year old, named Carrie Buck. She was admitted by her foster parents who said they could no longer control or care for her.
Carrie was pulled out of school in the 5th grade even though she was doing very well and was a good student. She was raped by a nephew of her foster mother and she becomes pregnant. They wanted to get rid of her.
By the time her daughter was born, Carrie was labeled “Morally Delinquent” by the state for having giving birth out of wedlock. She was diagnosed a “Middle-Grade Moron.” She was a termed a sexual delinquent. Which is equivalent to Feeble-Mindedness.
The board was discussing whether to force sterilization upon her. Her biological mother was an alleged prostitute, so she had “Degenerate Genes”. These genes must not be passed on.
The board said: “By the Law of Heredity, Carrie Buck is the probable, potential parent of socially inadequate offspring.”
It was recommended that she be sterilized for both her own welfare and for the “Good of Society.” Going back to that “Greater Good” concept, just as they pushed on gullible who took an experimental jab.
Covid-19 was and is a Eugenics program. It was a screening of who the Feeble-Minded (in their opinion) and who can think for themselves. If they were feeble-minded enough to volunteer for an experimental mRNA drug and believe it was a “healthy vaccine” then they deserve what they get.
Same Concept.
Carrie Buck was assigned an attorney to appeal her sterilization order. It went to the Supreme Court. All the Eugenicists were watching to see if this Virginia case could create a National consensus on sterilization.
There were several states who had adopted laws that legalized sterilization (NE was one) for those institutionalized with the label of Feeble-Mindedness.
There were headlines that said “The Feebleminded breed Feebleminded – We pay the cost.”
The Eugenicists wanted a case to go to the Supreme Court because if they could win there, this would set the STANDARD and be a major victory for them.
Harry Laughlin was especially interested in this Supreme Court case as he had spent a decade promoting sterilization as a cheap effective way to rid the nation of what he called “The Socially Inadequate Classes.”
Laughlin believed that if you wanted to move the Eugenics Needle, you have to approve Sterilization.
He wrote a book – “Eugenical Sterilization in the United States” – free download here →
In this book he detailed the history of sterilization and every law that had been passed. That book was the bible for those who wanted to pass sterilization laws.
Harry Laughlin was asked to testify against Carrie Buck, he couldn’t attend but his written testimony was written into the record as a deposition, even though he had never met Carrie.
Laughlin said that the Buck family was mentally defective. “They are members of the Shiftless, Ignorant, Worthless class of Anti-Social Whites of the South as such, Carrie is certainly likely to give birth to defective children.”
Nothing like judging a child before they are even conceived.
The County Judge and the Virginia Supreme Court held up the Sterilization Law.
The final ruling would come from the US Supreme Court.
Carrie Buck had NOBODY. Her lawyer was a Eugenicist. She had no family. She had no friends. No advocates. She was all alone.
But yet she had the fortitude to ask them not to forcibly operate on her.
The Ruling: May 2, 1927 – the courts majority opinion was rendered by the Venerable Oliver Wendell Holmes, who at 86 was regarded as America’s most brilliant legal mind.
Here is what Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.
— Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927)
Yes, he said – “Three Generations of Imbeciles are enough.”
And Carrie was doing well in school until she was forced to drop out.
He is saying if these imbeciles are allowed to reproduce, this will be deleterious to society. The government has the Authority to determine what is for the “GREATER GOOD.”
The government has the right to suppress an imbeciles right to reproduce.
On October 19, 1927, Carrie Buck was sterilized.
Laughlin was thrilled. What a victory.
People who had mental or physical disabilities or were on the margin of society were now at risk of being labeled defective, degenerate, imbeciles or morons and being categorized into the sterilization pool.
Geneticist, Herman J. Muller in the fall of 1926 – one of the “Fly Boys” formerly under Thomas Hunt Morgan wanted to speed his experiments up. Muller wanted to know if he could speed up the mutations from scratch instead of the painstaking work and time of going through generations and generations of flies.
One night Muller turned on the X-Ray machine and began irradiating male fruit flies. Once they had been exposed, he slid them into glass bottles with equal amount of females. When the larva began to appear on Day 5 he knew it worked.
He discovers he had can make his own mutations. Mutations that would take months or years to happen.
This was the FIRST time that the idea that the Human Gene was capable of being MODIFIED.
If a fruit flies genes can be altered by a single blast of radiation, human genes might some day be able to be manipulated.
Muller – “Heredity would no longer be the prerogative of an unreachable God playing pranks on us.”
The Eugenics movement began to change. Henry Goddard even regretting labeling humans as morons.
They began reviewing their labeling criteria and they realize that it they, themselves who were thinking like morons. Prostitutes may be doing this out of economic need and not feeble-mindedness, alcoholism may arise from events that cause anxiety, it may not be the GENES talking here, there may be other factors.
As the Great Depression entered the realm of reality in 1929, the Eugenicists themselves found out the poverty can happen overnight to just about anyone.
In 1932, another Eugenics congress convened in New York, most of the scientists who has previously attended these conferences were no show.
The top main players of the Eugenicist movement were there: Charles Benedict Davenport, Madison Grant, Harry Laughlin – all saying the same thing. But the scientists did not show up as their views had changed.
Herman Muller did show up. But he gave a scathing speech. He said there is no scientific evidence that the lower social class have inferior intelligence. It is society who may be the real criminal, not the individual. “Way to go Herman!”
A New Eugenicist Movement:
In July of 1930, Adolf Hitler came to power.
Eugenics was immediately placed in State Policy. Sterilization was MANDATED to men and women suffering from any 1 of 9 presumably hereditary conditions.
Hitler had been paying careful attention to what the United States was doing. They immediately picked up where America left off and took a Quantum Leap forward to enacting sterilization laws immediately.
Who was working with the Nazi’s? Harry Laughlin.
When Adolf Hitler was in prison he read “The Passing of a Great Race” by Madison Grant - download free copy here →
Hitler wrote Grant a letter saying “this book is my bible.”
There were German headlines that said: “Nazi’s to Sterilize All Weak-Minded.”
Even though the tides were turning against Eugenicists in the USA, sterilization in the legal states of the Feeble-Minded went up during the depression. It costs money to care for them. So the idea was to stop them from reproducing to cut costs.
A Movie released in 1934 called “Tomorrow’s Children” a movie that exposed the threat and consequences of forced sterilization. It brought up the idea that we may not even know if siblings are biologically related as some may be adopted and/ore in cases of infidelity.
This movie was still playing in 1935, during the time another Eugenicist meeting was taking place. The Carnegie Foundation, which had funded this movement since 1918, for 17 years cut funding as the board of directors decided they had experienced much embarrassment. They said all the data that they had compiled over the last 17 years in the vault was useless for the study of genetics.
So for the faithful Eugenics, they knew they had to come up with new justification for sterilizing the unfit.
In January 1936, and heiress Ann Cooper Hewitt was suing her mother, Maryon Cooper Hewitt, in court for half a million dollars. The plaintiff claimed that her mother paid two doctors to “unsex” her during a scheduled appendectomy in order to deprive her of an inheritance from her millionaire father’s estate.
Yes, Ann Cooper Hewitt was sterilized without her consent and without her knowledge. When she discoveries this she was very angry. She sues her mother and surgeon. Her fathers will stated that if Ann would die childless, the estate would go to her mother.
The reasoning for this sterilization was based on an intelligence test just hours before her surgery as she was in extreme discomfort and pain. Her score identified her as a High Grade Moron.
In court she was found to be competent and fluent in two languages and the psychiatrist determined that the test taken prior to her surgery was false.
This story went mainstream all over the country.
This sterilization goes AGAINST ALL the Eugenics reasoning for sterilization. She was not Feeble-Minded, she was a Socialite, she was an heir, she had lots of money, and could be a productive citizen.
The argument basically was that she wasn’t fit to be a parent. She wasn’t a desirable mother.
The Judge halted the proceedings on the grounds that sterilization was LEGAL in California. Unreal.
This was a big Black Eye for the Eugenicist movement. This woke people up on what can happen and how these institutions function.
If someone is deemed as a social degenerate they may be in danger of sterilization.
Then you have Hitler in Germany that progressed from Sterilization to Extermination.
Hitler didn’t want the people he classified as Degenerate Jews EXISTING. It was to better the human race.
This how is how inhuman ideas inflate into Genocides. Into a Holocaust. A Eugenic Practice on Super Steroids used on a Mass Scale.
By the end of the 1940’s the Eugenics ideas faded away, but the sterilization laws in states remained in effect for another 30 years.
There were over 60,000 sterilizations performed in the USA.
It is time to Wake Up and stop messing the Human Genome!
1. Video Source: TrainofThoughts --
2. “To Rid Society of Imbeciles”: The Impact of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg’s Stand for Eugenics
3. “Three Generations of Imbeciles are Enough” — The Case of Buck v. Bell --
4. Inside the Shocking 1930s Trial of Socialite Ann Cooper Hewitt --
5. Other sources listed above as pdf books.
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END. 3/22/2024 – 6:00 AM
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