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The TRUE Shape Of The Earth

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Tonight on Conspiracy Theories & Chill we're discussing the TRUE shape of the Earth. GET IN HERE, and join in our discussion.

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#001 #ConcaveEarth #Conspiracy


  • 0/2000
  • I ran fleet simulations while working for a very large aerospace company. I find it interesting ( and a bit dissapointing) that there is even a debate about the shape of the earth. I could imagine having this debate were it 600 or 700 years ago, but we have had this problem solved (in writing) for over 2300 years. Eratosthenes did the math and wrote it down, but it was known well before then. I have had access to some neat technology in my life that just plain wouldn't work if the earth wasn't an oblate spheroid (ellipsoid). It isn't cheap, but you can rent time at Mt. Wilson observatory (It is $2500 for 1/2 night, so you need to get a group of people together). Being able to see another galaxy with your own eyeballs will blow your mind. Also, being able to see the shape of the rest of the planets, kind of puts all these theories to bed.