Episode Seventy-One. By Roger Lecureux. The Sacrifice of Maoni. A Puke (TM) Comic.

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6 months ago


Episode Seventy-One.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The Sacrifice of Maoni.

With a pounding heart, and holding out the offering of pink water lilies, the son of Crao slowly climbed the staircase cut into the rock.

Let all the hunters leave the cave! Only Rahan has won the privilege of seeing Maoni's face!

Page Two.

It all started the day before, in the heart of the mosquito-infested swamps.
Rahan knows how to keep the “biting beasts” away!
They fear the smell of “Sun Fruits”!

The cloud of insects that harassed him actually moved away as soon as he coated his body with lemon juice.
It is a wonderful secret that Crao taught Rahan!

He thus crossed the marsh, no longer worrying about the terrible mosquitoes which swirled around him without daring to attack him.
Here and there the water lily flowers had the color of the sky in the east.

He finally hoisted himself onto dry land, when.
Rahan did not want to interrupt your meal, "Long-tongue"!

The son of Crao had never seen an anteater before.
He preferred to flee this beast which, abandoning the anthill, suddenly charged him.
Rahan is not an ant, "Long-tongued"!
He is not!

Page Three.

Stumbling on a root, he did not have time to get up.
The big anteater was on him.
His claws were going to lacerate his face.

The ivory blade disappeared into the thick fleece.
The blow had been so precise.

That the beast, as if struck by lightning, collapsed instantly.
Rahan did not want to take your life "Long tongue"!
But he could not let himself be torn apart!

The son of fierce ages had not sheathed his knife when ten men burst out of the thickets.
In this territory the “Tamas” are sacred, “Fire Hair”!

Because they devour the ants that our hunters fear so much!
But since you came to the aid of the “Beasts-who-gnaw”, we will see if they are grateful to you!
Bury him up to his neck, brothers!

Page Four.

A little later.
Before the sun returns, "The beasts-that-eat" will have devoured your eyes, your ears, and your tongue!
Farewell, "Hair of fire"!

Rahan's passage to the realm of shadows will be terrifying!
All around the torture place, large red ants were swarming.
Their circle tightened.

Innumerable, the “Beasts-that-eat” attacked his face.
No! No!
As he screamed in pain, some rushed into his mouth!

It was then that other men appeared.
Free this unfortunate man! Quickly!
Chase away the “Eating Beasts”! Quickly!

While the tide of ants ebbed before the torch fire, the son of Crao was released.
Rahan did not know that the "Tamas" were sacred.
He killed one to defend himself.
And the hunters, to punish him, delivered him to the “Beasts-who-gnaw!”

Page Five.

You had the misfortune of meeting Wramm, the cruelest hunter of the cave clan.
In other times, this clan and ours clashed constantly!
Kill those from the forest! Kill! Kill!

But one day Haika, the leader of those of the caves, and his daughter Maoni, lost their way in the swamps.
Haika was swallowed up by the "Mud-that-devours”.

Maoni was saved by her people, but her face had been eaten by the “Beasts-that-gnaw”!
This face was so horrible that she now hid it under a hood of skin!

Wramm had hoped to succeed Haika, but the cave clan chose the sweet Maoni, the faceless girl, as its leader!
And the forest clan could only rejoice at this choice!

Page Six.

Because Maoni is good and loyal!
Thanks to her, our clans live in peace!
Where does the cave clan live?
Rahan must take back his knife from Wramm!

Wramm is dangerous! Beware of him.
Rahan will take back his knife!
Along with the necklace of claws left by Crao, the ivory weapon was Rahan's most precious possession!

Look! The “Beasts-that-gnaw” have spared “Hair-of-Fire”!
What? What!?

Wramm's astonishment was very short.
Wramm will kill you! With your own knife!

The son of fierce ages dodged the first assault of the colossus.

Page Seven.

But was knocked down at the end of the second!
The ivory blade was about to plunge into his chest.

Stop Wramm!
You must remember that I forbade all fighting between "Those Who Walk Upright"!
What did this hunter do?

He killed a big “Tama”!
He is an ally of the beasts that ate your face, Maoni! He must die!
Rahan had never seen a “Tama” before. He did not know. He killed to protect his life!

Maoni Believes Rahan!
She asks the clan to welcome him like a brother!

Why does a leader as generous as you hide his face?
Because it is too horrible!
By designating me as leader, the clan swore that only those who brought me a bouquet of water lilies could see it!
That is impossible.

Page Eight.

Since these water lilies grow in the middle of the marsh, everyone who tried to approach them had to back away from the “Stinging Beasts.”

The venom of these “beasts” makes the body swell and sets the blood on fire!
Some died!
Rahan will bring you the pink flowers, Maoni!

Ha-ha-ha! So you think you're a god!?
Well go, Rahan, go.
The land of shadows awaits you!
Rahan is so sure he will return that he leaves you his knife Wramm!

No, Rahan! Do not do that!
Why risk your life?
Because you deserve pink flowers, Maoni!
The son of Crao disappeared under the foliage.

No one saw him smear his face, torso and limbs with the juice of the “Sun Fruits”.
Poor Maoni!
Her face must be scary!
But her heart is so generous!

Page Nine.

When the cave clan saw him again he was already in the middle of the swamp.
The mists were dissipating.
They could not see the myriads of mosquitoes.
But they guessed they were there.

Harassing the hunter called “Hair of Fire”.
And the "biting beasts", in fact, swirled in clouds around the son of Crao.

Who was now tearing off the marvelous pink flowers.
And the cloud of mosquitoes surrounded him.

Escorting him on the way home!
After the “beasts-that-gnaw”, it is the “beasts-that-bite” who spare this demon!

The cloud dissipated under the dry breeze coming from the mainland.
Under her skin hood Maoni sighed.
He succeeded.
I must respect clan law.
I have to show him.
My face!

Page Ten.

When the son of Crao approached Maoni, Wramm could not control his rage.
Die, All who have come to violate our laws!

The thick armful of damp leaves saved Rahan.
This time, Wramm the brute deserves to be punished!

Wramm had the impression that lightning, choosing its target, was opening his stomach.

Rahan did not violate any of our rules!
He brought back the pink water lilies.
He therefore has the right to see what remains of the face of Maoni, the daughter of Haika the cheif!

A little later.
Get out of the cave! Get out!
May my face not haunt the nights of those who knew not how to bring the offering of pink water lilies!

Page Eleven.

As Rahan climbed the steps, the hunters respectfully slipped away.
When Rahan has revealed to yours the secret of “Sun Fruits.”

They could too, go and pick the pink flowers and earn the right to see your face, Maoni!
The son of Crao placed the offering at the feet of Maoni.

Keep your secret, Rahan!
The clan has obeyed me from the day I was disfigured by the “Eating-Beasts.”
I have got them to live in peace with those in the forest!

If mine saw what you are about to see, their respect for me would disappear.
The war with the other clans would perhaps resume.

Maoni slowly raised her hood.
And the emotion, the stupefaction, petrified the son of Crao.
My people must never know, Rahan! Swear to me not to reveal my secret!

Page Twelve.

The face of Maoni was the purest, the most beautiful that anyone could see!
Over time, my wounds healed themselves!
But if the clan knew that I recovered my former appearance.

I would lose my authority! Wramm would lead the hunters on the evil paths of war!
Rahan will never betray your secret Maoni!
Never! Never!

During his long stay among this clan, the son of Crao kept his word.
But he often had to lie.
Maoni's face?
A horrible thing Wramm!
Bare bones. Bitten lips. Eyes without lids.

When he consulted his knife before leaving for new horizons, Wramm himself seemed to regret his departure.
You taught us so many things!
And Rahan must teach them to others.

And the son of wild ages bid farewell to those of the caves.
He knew that he would never forget the alert face of Maoni, this young girl who sacrificed her beauty and her youth for the sole happiness of her own!


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