Loud clippers/ trimmers?? This might be your problem🔬

6 months ago

I believe it’s just as important to get to know your tools as much as it is to learn haircutting techniques. Most barbers I speak to want PPS from their tools.. Power, performance and silence. Proper maintenance of your tools is a big part of keeping those three qualities intact. You can’t always blame the clipper companies for your tools not performing the way you want. Sometimes it’s poor maintenance or just wear over time. A little TLC never hurts. Your tools are your money makers so take care of them as much as they take care of you. Your clippers/ trimmers are like babies, you should never drop them and they only make a lot of noise when something is wrong. Figure out what the issue might be and address it accordingly.💈•#truththebarberartist #barbertools #barberblades #clippers #barbershop #barberstyle #damage #noise

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