Sensing Satan's Snare

6 months ago

Do you believe you have the ability to discern Truth from Deceit? As counter intuitive as it might appear, it is horrifically difficult for people to discern the Truth In a world subject to a constant barrage of information because much of that information is toxic and incorrect.

Sadly, most remain oblivious to that intellectual assault and the proof of this is easily found in the fact that large groups of highly intelligent people hold conflicting views on all the great topics of the day. Not just slightly differing views but diametrically opposite beliefs. How can this be if discernment is a societal strong point?

From a B.A.D.A.S.S. perspective, it is undeniable that our fundamental understandings are based on Trust not Truth. We trust our own ability to “connect the dots”, but what is it we are connecting them to other than our current perceptions and beliefs? Perceptions and beliefs that are rigidly controlled by those who disseminate the information that we gorge upon.

The poisoning of our minds isn’t an unfortunate accident but rather a deliberate scheme to create intellectual chaos and confusion that actually makes us doubtful and weak. It is painful to realize that we can be so easily manipulated, so painful in fact that we will quickly dismiss accurate information when it challenges our beliefs. Overcoming cognitive dissonance is not a societal strong suit, which only adds to our exploitability.

Still, there are ways of becoming more discerning and strangely enough, the simplest and quickest answer is found in the political arena. Perhaps the most difficult B.A.D.A.S.S. point to grasp is that those who hold diametrically opposite beliefs can both incorrect when their foundational understanding is rooted in delusion. In other words, when both are trapped in Satan’s Snare!

The Deceits at the core of the Fake COVID-19 News Narrative are described in the B.A.D.A.S.S. Mind’s post titled “Fire Them All - Part 1”

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