Alan Watts - Li, The Markings in Jade

3 months ago

Alan Watts Li Taoism, the markings in jade, organic patterns, and Tse, Taoism (Daoism) Chinese philosophy. Li, the organic patterns the make up our universe and selves. How to be creative, creativity is something that can't be taught, sometimes it takes the deep and dark to get there as well. Joseph Needham suggested that 'organic pattern' was the best translation of Li.
A Bit of Nothing presents clips of multiple Alan Watts speeches about Li, the markings in jade, the grains in wood, and the fibers in muscles. Li, Confucianism. A compilation of Alan Watts speeches and teachings from the original recordings. The order of Li, the infinite complexity of organic pattern, is also the order of our own body, brains, and nervous systems. Alan Watts also describes the li as “the asymmetrical, nonrepetitive, and unregimented order which we find in the patterns of moving water, the forms of trees and clouds, of frost crystals on the window, or the scattering of pebbles on beach sand."
Confucianism is an ancient Chinese belief system, which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and morality.

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