Kettlebell Fundamentals (Deadlift)

11 months ago

Deadlift fundamentals
*not including* (Braced Breathing)

Heels/Ankles even with the handles.
Sit back into your hinge position (athletic stance)

Hands follow crease of hips all the way down to the bell.

Grip the bell and simulate breaking the bell. Like you're snapping a pencil.

Before standing up or performing the exercise make sure your have your iron jacket engaged. (Core & Lats Braced)
Your tension between the hands and feet should feel equally distributed or equally loaded.

Once you are fully loaded explode to the upright position and fully lockout (Complete Brace). Tensing the glutes, pull the quads.
All of this should be done with your iron jacket engaged (Core, Lats & Glutes)

ProTIP: Breathe behind the iron jacket. don't let your ribcage rise.

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