X22 Report-3309a-b-3.19.24-Trump Flipped Economic Script,Panic In DC, Spygate-Ad Free!

9 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3309a - Biden Digs The Hole Deeper, Trump Flipped The Economic Script, Restructure Coming

The [CB]/[WEF] goal was to destroy the farmers, this is why Trump gave the farmers the money from the tariffs. Inflation never went away it just slowed, now it is back and accelerating. Fed is holding the rate cuts until the right moment. Restructure is coming.
Ep 3309b - All 3 Movies Playing At Same Time, Guardian Of Pedophiles, Panic In DC, Spygate, Justice

The [DS] is getting hit from all sides. Trump is running his campaign on the [DS] agenda. This is waking the people up and at the same time making the people pissed off about what they are seeing. The counterinsurgency is working. The [DS] is now being exposed on all fronts, pedo, border, spygate, etc. All movies are playing. Once the pedo system is dismantled the [DS] system completely implodes on itself. Justice is coming, rule of law will reign over the US. 
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