Paranormal Doppelgangers - True Stories!

2 months ago

Paranormal Doppelgangers true stories, information, and origin! Doppelgangers, or mimics, are said to be signs, bad omens, illness, bad luck, misfortune. A paranormal doppelganger is a real replica, a double, a copy, a clone, of a living person. An entity that looks exactly like a real person. They have been seen all around the world, for thousands of years. Documented famous cases of real Doppelgangers include Abraham Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth, and Catherine the Great. They all passed away shortly after seeing their own Doppelgangers! Including Emilie Sagee, a School Teacher in the 1800's.
By: A Bit of Nothing

The website where the first 2 anonymous stories came from is:

The 3rd story from leahbee came from:

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