Career Coach Office Hours: March 19 2024

5 months ago

I answered questions about #jobsearch. If you can't attend live, mark that you'll attend on LinkedIn, message your question to me there, and watch the replay

00:00 Intro (Part of the intro did not record)
02:17 Job search commentary
04:36 If you applied to a job twice and never got considered for an interview, is it okay to cold email the hiring manager (provided you have his email or find him on LinkedIn)?
07:05 What should I do if I submit a generic resume?
08:33 What would l say if they ask me in a job interview what makes you unique. I'm a rookie and l didn't have any idea?
10:51 I had an interview for a higher position and was asked if I will stay in the company if they will choose a different candidate. What could be the best answer for that question?
13:45 How do I increase the possibility of getting hired after first over the phone, 30-minute interview? The lady asked me to let her know if I decided to take another job. Is that a good sign?
15:44 I've been unemployed for more than a year and during job interviews, recruiters always focus on that aspect. How can I "cover" that detail for not leaving a bad impression?
19:35 When should you give up on a job search?
21:21 What is the purpose of companies asking about salary requirements during the interview process? Is there a way to avoid this question?
24:42 What is the best answer if your job interviewer asks you, "Have you ever made a mistake at work?" Why?
27:31 How does LinkedIn verification work and what are its benefits?
30:20 Outro

People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS job search coaching and career advice globally because he makes job search and succeeding in your career easier.

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2800 episodes.

You will find great info to help with your job search at my new site, ⁠⁠JobSearch.Community⁠⁠ Besides the video courses, books and guides, I answer questions from members daily about their job search. Leave job search questions and I will respond daily. Become an Insider+ member and you get everything you'd get as an Insider PLUS you can get me on Zoom calls to get questions answered. Become an Insider Premium member and we do individual and group coaching.

Also, subscribe to ⁠⁠ on YouTube and No BS Job Search Advice Radio, the #1 podcast for job search with more than 2800 episodes over 12+ Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music and almost anywhere you listen or watch podcasts.

You can also have your #jobsearchquestions answered Tuesdays at noon Eastern. Search for Career Coach Office Hours on LinkedIn and mark that you're attending. You'll have access to the recording if you miss it live.

Schedule a discovery call to speak with me about coaching you during your job search at ⁠⁠ to discuss one-on-one or group coaching with me
LinkedIn: ⁠⁠⁠heBigGameHunter
⁠Resume & LinkedIn Profile critiques⁠ ⁠

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