American Psycho - Patrick Bateman - Beauty & Morning Regime and Routine.

3 months ago

Patrick Bateman following a strict morning beauty routine.
Say what you will but he has a good morning routine and diet.

Back in the 80's there was no Instagram and all people could get their information from was Cosmpolitan, The Wall Street Journal and TV.

Watching this movie about 16 years ago for the first time got me into having a good skincare routine and watching my diet.
Now 16 years later, most people think i'm 10 years younger than I actually am.

Embracing your masculinity is also taking care of your health inside and out.
Make sure to get exercise atleast 3 times a week for about 1 hour at a time.
Drink enough water, organic green tea, and a few cups of quality coffee a day.

Eat healthy, and use quality skincare products without as Patrick already states "with little or no alcohol, as alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older"

In the past I mostly used MenExpert by L'oreal, but now mostly using Cerave products as they are allot better for the skin, unscented and hydrate your skin way longer in my case.

Copyright : Lionsgate

#manosphere #redpill #masculinity

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