Podcast 27: Planning Mobility into Your Preparedness: Tarps, Tents, Shelters

11 months ago

Anybody giving you the idea that you’re going to be able to build a play fort in the woods and just stay there for an extended time in an emergency is ridiculous. Real survival and preparedness inherently involves a mentality of staying mobile, travel on foot, and carrying necessities on your back. In this episode, I talk about the pros and cons of different types of tents, tarps, shelters, and particularly teepee-style, floorless, tarp shelters.

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Tents shown off in this episode: Featherstone UL Obsidian 1P Tent. Black Diamond Mega Light Teepee Tarp Tent. Luxe Outdoor Hexpeak 2P Teepee Tarp Shelter. Kelty Backpacking Tarp.

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