Hong Kong Moves Quickly to Pass Controversial New National Security Law

4 months ago

03/19/2024 DW News: Hong Kong moves quickly to pass a controversial new national security law. It is an extension of an existing law passed in 2020 that gives the government greater powers to suppress dissent, mirroring laws in mainland China. It took only 12 days to have the bill tabled for the final round of scrutiny and get it passed since it was first released earlier this month. Hong Kong Chief Executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, announced that this law will come into effect on 23rd of March.
03/19/2024 德国之声新闻:香港快速通过备受争议的新国家安全法,这是2020年通过的国安法的延伸,赋予政府更大的权力来镇压异见者,与中国大陆的法律相呼应。自本月初首次发布以来,该法案仅用了12天的时间就进入最后一轮审查并获得通过。香港行政长官李家超宣布这项法律将于3月23日生效。

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