D7 - Walk-through and Review - Large Grid - March 2024

11 months ago

D7 is a game where the player needs to strategically play 2x1 “pills” on the board in such a manner that each color can only touch its own color. When such a blob reach seven (7) or nine (9) in size, then the blob will disappear. So in this manner, this game is a combination of Tetris, Dominoes and Woodoku.

This game has no advertisements.

This game has no objectionable material.

This game has no music; which is why you hear no sound during the game.

This game feels like a proof-of-concept project which was released. This game sorely could use a tutorial and simple levels so that the player can get a feel as to how to approach levels. Otherwise the player will just randomly turn knobs and hope for the best.

That said, there is potential here.

As is, this is not a bad game to keep in reserve and play it every now and then.

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