'a guy in his room' ep. 201 - The ides of march! "Comicsgate" and tribalism in online communities!

11 months ago

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New a guy in his room #201!

This time I talk about upcoming the IDES of MARCHHHH, and then attempt to explain the drama in 'comicsgate' and toxic purity spirals in online communities!!

The ides of march,
St Patrick's day,
The dude abides the ides (of march),
YouTube comment saying to not be gimmicky,
Trolling comments vs real ones,
Trolling during early internet,
Philip DeFranco,
Styles of YouTubers,
Kentaji Jackson says first amendment hamstrings the government,
What's your gimmick for the podcast???
Explaining COMICSGATE drama for 3 hours:
Ethan van sciver drama with Eric July and yellow flash,
Ethan and Jon malin vs Patrick Thomas Parnell,
‘Kayfabe’ and pretending you’re joking but you’re not,
‘Dungeoneer files’ and revealing private CG’ers DMS,
Purity spirals and cult-like behavior in CG,
Infighting in woke-critical communities,
The radical center and Leslie Elliot,
TERFs fighting anti woke people,
Online communities encourage tribal toxic mobbing,
Teaching critical thinking and how to avoid tribalism,
People being loyal no matter what

#antioch #leslieelliot #solidground #theradicalcenter #comicsgate #evs #ethanvansciver #dungeoneers #cg #drama #trashcast #ericjuly #rippaverse #purityspiral #tribalism #cancelculture #puritytest #cults #philipdefranco #terf #idesofmarch

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