Chapter 13/20 - Part 01 Hazrat Musa, Firon, Qadeem Misr, Jadoo (Moses, Pharaoh, Ancient Egypt Magic)

9 months ago

Story of Hazrat Musa a.s, Who was Pharaoh ? The story of Musa and Firon, Pharaoh Ramses II, Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Qadeem Misri Teheeb in Urdu, Ancient Egyptian Magic (Jadoo)

Welcome to the 13th chapter of 40,000 Years Of Knowledge series.

#qasasulanbiya #hazratmusa #pharaoh #ancientegypt #ancientegyptian #magic #sorcery #witchcraft #pyramids #ancienthistory #religion #paganism #rituals

This chapter is about the story of ancient Egypt and that how prophet Musa alaihisalam (Prophet Moses) was sent to Bani Israel. I will also tell you about how deeply the Egyptians believed in black magic (jadu/jadoo) and why Hazrat Musa a.s was given a staff that turned into a snake as a miracle. I will also tell you about the ancient Egyptian religion, The secret of the power of Pharaohs and the greatest power show of Egyptian magicians vs. Prophet Musa.

01. The Introduction 00:15
02. Bani Israel come to Egypt 00:39
03. The Pharaoh dynasty begins 01:11
04. What was a Pharaoh / Firon ? 02:23
05. Why was pharaoh so powerful ? 02:56
06. The secret power of the Pharaoh 03:54
07. A dream of a Pharaoh about Bani Israel 05:53
08. The killing of the first born of Israelties 06:55
09. Nepoleon's expedition to Egypt 07:24
10. Ancient Egyptian religion 08:29
11. A strange belief of the Egyptians 09:12
12. Ancient Egyptian magic 12:50
13. The master magicians of Egypt 14:34
14. Disovery of the ancient Egyptian magic 15:48
15. Unbelievable powers of Egyptian magicians 16:30
16. A wax crocodile 17:00
17. A wooden swan 17:44
18. Magical words of ancient Egyptians 18:49
19. The book of the dead 19:11
20. Most Mysterious book of Egyptian magic 20:57
21. Magic to bring back the dead 23:34
22. Translation of Egyptian magic 25:08
23. Traces of ancient magic in the modern era 27:26
24. The history of magic wand 28:23
25. Greatest power show of its time 29:24

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