Flower Sweep VS Pendulum Sweep

11 months ago

Sweeps are vital in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Using the guard position effectively to defend yourself is important. However, in order to mount a counter attack, once must be well versed in guard submissions and sweeps! The Flower Sweep and the Pendulum Sweep are a couple of the first sweeps a white belt learns in their BJJ journey. They are frequently taught in BJJ Academies around the world!

New martial arts students are thrown into a world where they do not know the language yet. So much information is taught to a beginner in such a fast manner that it is incredibly common to mix up the details of common, but similar techniques. We hope this video helps clear us the easier mixed up details in the Flower Sweep and Pendulum Sweeps.

Also, enjoy the setup details on how to load up your partner's weight to smoothly hit these sweeps!

P.S. Here is the link to Chewjitsu's excellent video on these sweeps in no-gi:


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