Vera Sharav | Trued Up - Season 1, Episode 6

11 months ago

Vera Sharav was a young girl when she made the journey to America, but she never forgot the lessons she learned in those first harrowing years in a Nazi Germany concentration camp.
She understands the nature of creeping authoritarianism. And rather than be victimized by her history, she became a maverick and a warrior, and now the filmmaker of the must-see docuseries Never Again Is Now Global.

You can watch Vera’s extraordinary and compelling docuseries, and read my take on the life lessons from the series, here…

You can find out all about her organization, Alliance for Human Research Protection here…

You can read a warning letter from Holocaust survivors, sent to health agencies around the world in the fall of 2021 here…

You can watch Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko’s testimony in front of a rabbinical tribunal here…

You can watch the film of Israel’s The Testimonies Project about the injection-injured here…

You’ll find the fascinating article I referenced on the influence of clothing here…

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