"Dog versus Snowball: "Where Did It Go?""

6 years ago

"There is nothing quite as adorable as dogs playing in the snow. Running, jumping, digging… if there is enough snow on the ground, they are up for anything! If you are a dog lover, you should definitely watch this video to see one of the funniest moments of pooches playing in the snow! At the beginning of this video, a teen girl throws a snowball in the yard inviting her dog to play fetch. And he is not refusing it. He is wagging his tail excitedly and off he goes! Bring on the fun! But wait… what? The snowball falls apart as it lands in the snow. But don’t you worry, this dog is not giving up. He immediately starts digging through the snow determined to find it. Poor doggy! He is so disappointed that he even stops wagging his tail. The snowball is nowhere to be found. This confused pooch is too hilarious for words!"

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