BLACKHAT (2015) - Movie and Blu-ray Review!

11 months ago

Director Michael Mann released his cyber-warfare thriller, 'Blackhat,' in 2015 to very little fanfare but this underrated, ableit imperfect, gem is one of the director's finest. And Arrow Video's release on Blu-ray, featuring three different cuts of the film, is highly recommended for your home library.

View Thunder episodes are designed with:

1) A Spoiler-Free review of the film up front.
2) Followed by a quick rundown and review of the Physical Media.
3) A Spoiler-Section with further analysis of my favorite parts of the film.

So if there is an episode for a film you haven't seen yet, rest assured that the first part of each episode will not ruin it for you. Once you've seen the movie come back and watch the rest of the review!

Thank you for tuning in!

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