Part 1: Things You May Have Missed From John 14-17 AUDIO PODCAST

3 months ago

Do we get a mansion when we get to heaven?  Is Jesus The Father in the flesh?  Who is the Holy Spirit?  These are all questions that Jesus answered in his discourse with his disciples that is recorded in John 14-17.  Much misunderstanding and bad theology has arisen from cherry picking verses in these 4 chapters, However, these chapters must be viewed as a whole.  We must see the big picture.  As you listen to this series, some of what you hear will go against what you have been taught and believed all of your life.  You will learn what the word mansion really's not what you think!  You will also learn who the Holy Ghost is...and...He's not who you think or have been taught that he is!  I pray that God blesses you and opens your spiritual understanding today.

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