How the Third Assault Force drove the occupiers out of the city

2 months ago

Combat operation of the 3rd OShBr, during which soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Assault Battalions stopped an attempt to break through the front line and cleared Krasnogorovka of enemy forces. The video footage was shot on GoPro-cameras of the raid participants.

On the eve of the occupants managed to advance on a certain section of the settlement and begin to set up for defense. It was necessary to act quickly to dislodge the enemy without giving them a foothold. On this difficult site sent fighters of the Third Assault.

"This task was assigned to us at 2 a.m. and in the morning we were on our way," recalls friend Estet, commander of the assault platoon "Miron" of the 1st Sturmrota, 2nd Assault Battalion.

After entering the city, the brigade's units went on the offensive. Fighters began mopping up building after building, and the enemy desperately defended. From the intercepted conversations of the enemy it became clear that the occupants were doing badly. However, the Russians held on as best they could. The occupiers ignored the offer to surrender and go for an exchange.

"Their skills were not at a high level. But the level of resilience and motivation was inherent. Even being surrounded, although they had, of course, no opportunity to retreat, to run away, because they would have been killed immediately, they still fought, fought back. It cost us some effort to destroy them," says friend Darwin, deputy company commander, TVO of 3rd Assault Battalion, 1st Assault Battalion.

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