Today in History Food Edition March 31, 2024

11 months ago

Saint Balbina
Creamy Shrimp Carbonara
Saint Benjamin
Kriek Kocktail
Easter Cheese
Fresh Ricotta Cheese
Peek-A-Boo Eggs
Easter Pie
First Sunday
Potato Salad
Kelley’s Cheesecake
Greek Easter and Polish Easter
Christos Anesti! Greek Salad No Lettuce ever!
Greek Eggs are always Red!
Tsoureki: Greek Easter Egg Bread
Greek Pastitsio: Greek Lasagna
Spanakopita: Greek Spinach Pie/ Triangles
Kolokithokeftedes: Greek Zucchini Fritters
Galaktoboureko: Greek Milk Pie
Koulourakia: Greek cookies with sesame seeds
Greek Pecan Baklava
Cesar Chavez Day:
Ancho Chili Bean Sauce
National Clams on the Half Shell Day
Clams Casino
Tater Day
Caraway Roast Potatoes
Oranges and Lemons Day
Orange, Honey, and Lemon Tea
1882 During March and April an estimated 1.5 billion dead tilefish were discovered north of Delaware Bay
Pan-Seared Tilefish
1946 G. Allan Nichol of the music group 'The Turtles' was born.
Pecan Turtles
1978 Charles Best died (born Feb 27, 1899)
Apple Crisp
1989 Chefs from Japanese restaurants in New York have finally persuaded the FDA to allow them to import and serve fogu.
Fundokin Miso Soup
1992 Bob Wian died (born June 15, 1914)
Bob’s Big Boy Double Deck Sandwich
2005 Frank Perdue president of Perdue Farms died (born May 9, 1920)
Chicken Salsa Verde
2014 The International Court of Justice rules that the Japanese government must halt its whaling program in the Antarctic.
Kujira no Harihari Nabe

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