My #1 Mental Health Hack as a Psychiatrist

11 months ago

My #1 Mental Health Hack from a psychiatrist ↓

- 99% of all mental health problems are people believing they are their negative thoughts
- 10+ years working as a psychiatrist, here is the quickest way I’ve found to release your negative thoughts
- There is a biofilm coating your gut that houses a shit ton of bacteria and parasites - and these guys are influencing your thoughts - this is actually a real AI implantation from Fallen Angelics
- Literally release the shit, and you will feel your thoughts get clearer/lighter
- The health of your gut is directly correlated to to your brain and thoughts.
- B-roll Amir’s shit….
- The best 1 day GI/parasite cleanse I’ve found is by zencleanz - It is a One day cleanse and it works! I did my first one last month and will do another one this month.

Link in BIO if this resonates 🙏🏽

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