How well do you know Abigail in the Holy Bible? Quiz. How she changed my life. WATCH NOW!!!

3 months ago

The woman, Abigail, is found in the Old Testament, the book of 1 Samuel 25: 2-44.

A beautiful woman, with beautiful mannerisms, how she changed an angry man's mind not to sin, but to leave it in the hands of God. With begging and pleading for forgiveness, changed the fate of the people, giving food for angry David and his men, and receiving mercy from him for them all, including the man whom caused David to wrath.

What you learn from this, apply to your life, and beg and plead for mercy from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whom it has been given all authority over heaven and earth, not only for yourself, but for all those who roam this earth. Then leave it in the hands of God to determine the fate of the wicked. Not that it pleases our Father in heaven to see the wicked perish. It will please Him if they get saved.

Have a joyous day.

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