C19 Vaccines Causing Unparalleled Disabilities & Deaths - Tucker Carlson

11 months ago

Tucker Carlson sat down with Dr. Pierre Kory (in March 2024) , a critical care specialist and vocal critic of vaccines. The two had a wide-ranging discussion, which included vaccine safety and efficacy, excess mortality, demographic impacts of the virus, big pharma, and the professional price Kory has paid for speaking out." Source: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/excess-mortality-skyrocketed-tucker-carlson-and-dr-pierre-kory-unpack-criminal-covid

Tucker also asked Kory why the people who claimed the vaccine were "safe and effective" aren't being held criminally liable for abetting the "killing of all these Americans," to which Kory replied: "It’s my kind of belief, looking back, that [safe and effective] was a predetermined conclusion. There was no data to support that, but it was agreed upon that it would be presented as safe and effective."
Vaccine Injuries

Carlson asked Kory about his clinical experience with vaccine injuries.
"So how this is how I divide, this is just kind of my perception of vaccine injury is that when I use the term vaccine injury, I'm usually referring to what I call a single organ problem, like pericarditis, myocarditis, stroke, something like that. An autoimmune disease," he replied.
"What I specialize in my practice, is I treat patients with what we call a long Covid long vaxx. It's the same disease, just different triggers, right? One is triggered by Covid, the other one is triggered by the spike protein from the vaccine. Much more common is long vax. The only real differences between the two conditions is that the vaccinated are, on average, sicker and more disabled than the long Covids, with some pretty prominent exceptions to that."
A huge number of people around the world didn't need to wait for the data to prove this was dangerous. They/we knew it was dangerous. Hijacking the bodies own cellular machinery to produce foreign spike was all I needed to hear. Apparently, doctors aren't nearly as smart as society has deemed them. Reading the EUA was enough to see that proper long term clinical trials were NOT conducted. No respect - no trust.

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