6 months ago

PART TWO is about: The story of Judas and the Betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of Silver seems to be on Juan's Mind right now. As the Release of Christspiracy.com is also during this same period of time as this Holiday week. The Conversation about Ritual Blood Sacrifice is also a primary point because the resumption of actual practice with a "Red Heifer" to be performed in Israel on dates and with intent to usher in the Second Coming of Christ. This is a huge controversy for those of other Religions. The Muslims sure don't want them on the Temple Mound. The Jew's who are very familiar with the practice deal with the Palestinian's every day and certainly have issues there. Then their are those in the Christian Faith that just don't think that should be a public spectacle. We are in for rocky times ahead. oh and Juan gets a Greek Salad. And I clipped out Tom because he fell asleep for half the program. (just kidding it was frozen). Sorry for the bad internet but this was just a crummy internet location for Juan.

The Red Heifer and the Third Temple in End-Time Prophecy
“The Lord said to Moses and Aaron: “This is a requirement of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke. … This will be a lasting ordinance both for the Israelites and for the aliens living among them.” (Numbers 19:1–2, 10)

But the Temple service can’t begin without the parah adumah (red heifer).

What does a cow have to do with the rebuilding of the Holy Temple? How could a simple animal play a vital role in the success or failure of such a monumental event?
God’s word states that only the red heifer can restore the Biblical purity needed to rebuild the Temple.
“Then Eleazar the priest is to take some of its [red heifer] blood on his finger and sprinkle it seven times toward the front of the Tent of Meeting.” (Numbers 19:4)
An unblemished, pure red heifer is the key ingredient to Temple worship (Numbers 19:1–2, 10).
Another viewpoint:
According to the futurist timeline of eschatology, there will indeed be a third temple of God in Jerusalem. Jesus prophesied a desecration of the temple to occur during the tribulation (Matthew 24:15; cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:4); for that to happen, there obviously will need to be a temple. Assuming those who dedicate the end-times temple follow Jewish law, they will need the ashes of a red heifer, mixed with water, for the ceremonial cleansing. If a blemish-free red heifer has truly been found and is in Israel, that could be one more piece falling into place for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

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