Dr. Pierre Kory Speaking at Rally To Reclaim Free Speech (March 18, 2024)

6 months ago

Watch full event here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/rally-at-the-u-s-supreme-court-to-reclaim-and-protect-free-speech-or-mar-18/rally-at-supreme-court-reclaim-free-speech-march-18/?_ga=2.186129260.471474027.1710808843-390294537.1692651037

On Monday, March 18, 2024 Dr. Pierre Kory joined Dr. Paul Marik and fellow health freedom advocates and other experts at the United States Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. for The Rally to Reclaim Free Speech. Here, Dr. Kory shares his personal experience of being censored and of having to watch scientific lie after lie coming from the top agencies - while the concerned voices of experts were silenced.
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