0013: The World According to Adam - Control Logic Design Decisions | 16-Bit Computer From Scratch

4 months ago

This video was originally released on 21-Oct-2022 on YT: https://youtu.be/IGfEUpnUFiE

My name is Adam. I'm building a 16-bit computer from scratch. I hope you will join me on this journey.

16-Bit Computer From Scratch Complete Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH92d93l5ww&list=PLUF7WfBe0k3g9wpTtg41QP3jl5y8T1aGV

16-Bit Computer From Scratch Register Module Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiZ3pYomPFE&list=PLUF7WfBe0k3h1K0GHuQcwE9RUwpX6pBFm

0:00 Intro
0:55 Defining the Problem
4:34 Register Input Operations
6:51 Data Bus Operations
7:58 Address Bus Operations
8:20 Not Quite So Simple
9:30 Clock Cycle Timing
10:24 Clock Cycle Definition Chart
13:25 Control Logic Design Decisions
16:51 Hardware Protections
17:47 Control Logic Signal Decisions
20:43 TODOs

In this video I discuss the requirements for the control logic. This video is about making decisions and setting guiding principles which will guide the rest of the build. There is no hardware build in this video, but the decisions made here will guide the rest of the build going forward.

In the videos titled, "The World According to Adam," I present my opinions and the logic behind my reasoning. While I am not an expert and I may even disagree with best practices, I will never deliberately give incorrect or misleading information and I make every effort to call out my opinions as such. If I make a glaring mistake, please correct me in the comments.

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