Revelation Of The Method- Predictive Programing- Spell Casting: Evil Behind The "Scenes"

11 months ago

Revelation of the Method Unveiled:
Revelation of the Method, or RoM, as it’s often abbreviated, is an occult art wielded by the puppeteers behind the scenes of our society. It’s the practice of revealing hidden truths and sinister agendas in plain sight, cloaked in symbolism and subtext. It’s the method by which they toy with our collective psyche, forcing us to co-create a future we never asked for. Through the magic of storytelling and media, they manipulate our perceptions, influencing our choices and bending our reality to their will.

The Influence of Predictive Programming:
The concept of Revelation of the Method has a sibling in the form of Predictive Programming. This method serves to gently introduce and familiarize the public with future events or ideas, subtly shaping our perceptions and, more alarmingly, our acceptance of them. It’s like a spell, planted in our minds, that not only steals our free will but also leads us to co-create outcomes we wouldn’t want. The media and entertainment industries are their chosen medium, weaving these spells into the narratives that we consume daily.

The Alchemical Power of Words:
So, how does this dark art relate to the words we use, and what does it mean for our free will?

Words are, in essence, spells in their own right. The words we choose, the stories we tell, they cast spells on our minds and shape our reality. Every sentence we utter can build bridges or erect barriers, spark understanding or fuel conflict. Our choice of words forms the foundation of human connection, a power that can be harnessed for both benevolent and malevolent purposes.

This is from an article by Tom Ross:

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