Top Five Trump Media Hoaxes | Check Description

11 months ago

Top Five Trump Media Hoaxes:

1. The media claimed that Trump called neo-Nazis and from a Charlottesville white nationalists rally "fine people." They used this to claim that Trump was a racist but what they didn't tell people was that they had selectively edited and cut the entire statement where Trump clarified.

The media: "Trump says there were very fine people on both sides."

Trump's entire statement: "There were very fine people on both sides and I'm not talking about the Neo nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

2. The Trump-Russia Media Hoax was paid for by Hillary Clinton in order to frame Donald Trump for treason. Clinton paid a British spy named Christopher Steele to provide "information" to give the FBI justification for beginning their campaign to end his Presidency before it even began. The media subjected the world to four years of incessant lies as they wanted him gone no matter the cost.

3. The media claimed that Trump demanded his supporters riot at the capitol on January 6th. They purposely cut the entire clip short in order to assert that Trump wanted violence. Twitter even went out of their way to censor what he said.

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capital building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

4. Jussie Smollett worked with the DNC establishment in an attempt to label Trump supporters as racists by crafting a hoax with the media. He hired Nigerians to beat him up and call him racist slurs in the middle of the night and claim they were from MAGA country. He ended up in prison where he claimed he was not suicidal.

5. The media attempted to claim that a student named Nick Sandmann, who happened to be wearing a MAGA hat, was racist and mocking indigenous in Washington DC at a rally. They attempted to destroy the kid's reputation and life for simply standing there and not reacting when he came up and played music in his face.

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