it's not just what they're teaching you but how they're teaching you

6 months ago

why can't more people ask this question
i can gauge the importance of a situation pretty well
it's usually written all over their face
somber but solid
why feel bad for being sad
why is it not okay to not be excited every day
what they won't say to yer face they'll say to everyone else whenever you're gone
of course there's always the internet
in spite of this channel, i really don't like the internet
i'm not gonna pretend that i like what i don't like
and you had such fine potential to figure yourself out
there's no point in being pissed off at them
this world ain't good for nothin but deceit
i can't throw rocks at my high school cos it doesn't look the same
i miss the simplicity of it tho
the more mandatory it is, the less i wanna do it
public school taught me to be a conspiracy theorist
long before reddit...
authority figures are just reading off a script
i always flunked standardized tests
raising yer hand to ask a question is some monkey shit
it's my right to take my chances
let's pretend that's not totally self-righteous
saved! one more day

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