Guess What It Takes To Become A Cop In Nashville Now…

9 months ago

Nashville Police Department drops ability test requirement in order to increase its female force from 13% to 30% . MNPD will also allow more flexible working schedules in addition to the preexisting maternity leave and sick days. Director Tiffany Gibson is the first female director of training for the MNDP. -- "It's a male-dominated profession," some Metro Police Trainee told WSMV, as though that fact automatically makes the whole idea of policing somehow suspect. And why does Metro Nashville need a force that's 30% female? Why not 42%? Or some other arbitrary figure? If 100% of this year's crop of MNPD recruits are female and able to meet the mental and physical requirements of the job, then 100% of this year's inductees to the force are going to be women — and that wouldn't be a problem because they meet the requirements.

Here's what needs to be said again and again: the physical requirements for being a cop are not arbitrary. It's a physically demanding job, and in this next clip, you'll see what happens when you drop the non-arbitrary physical requirements just to meet an arbitrary Diversity/Inclusion/Equity (DIE) hiring goal. -- 4 overweight female cops try to arrest a male shoplifter for over 2 minutes. He ends up escaping. Diversity quotas are our strength! -- DIE gets people killed — and its next victims are lining up in Nashville, even though they have no idea.

• More at: PJ Media - Guess What It Takes to Become a Cop in Nashville Now…

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