the real work of now: LOVING FROM your SPIRIT

6 months ago

If you love what I am giving you,

the real work of now: LOVING FROM your SPIRIT
Investigating New Ways of Loving each other:
I use my unusual life-story to explain HUMAN development and activation into a fuller spiritual life:

Activating Human Potential:

I speak about the importance of clearing emotions so that we can retain love, even when it is not coming back to us. I discuss, ‘who do you love?’ -the SPIRIT of the person. I ask how I can keep on loving, as a means of us understanding how to heal through distance when a partner retreats to heal themselves.

9.00 Getting fully into the receptive space
11.30 I lay out my request to my spirit: what have I learned and experienced in the relationship in the past three turbulent months.
12.13 “‘Terra-Forming the spirit’- yes! Preparation or work than you thought it was going to be straight path. It is not a straight path to this one. This is slightly different: he is on a path, that changes almost hourly. And you are therefore in a straight, shaping waveform in oscillation with that. You have your situation – your goals, let us say your general stance on humanity: bringing forth the human, into life, into presence into this realm. Bringing forth a nature in coordination with all of the elements, the life force of the planet, the planet herself, all the beings within it, to be in a full dance of cooperation and experience. -The learning of the soul and the touching up against each other all the elements of this reality. As we move away from those structures, which have sought to prevent, and to square off and hold and peg all of these elements and restrict this free-flowing interaction of human spirit with the energy of nature, we are shifting and finding these pockets of places within the spirit as we redefine. It is like sewing new clothes - sewing new clothes for the being, and you have been sewing new clothes for your being. You took the ones off which were a little faulty, which were still built on, perhaps your past childhood experience-the lack of value. All of these systems where you were given an imprint, and you had to peel every layer off and remove it, so that you became a clear free-flowing energy, the soul-spirit incarnate in the body without anyone else’s directives on it. This was your last final ripping off the Band-Aid of anything else still holding you into anyone else's system, so that you stand, sovereign, knowing your worth.
Knowing that you are of love, that this love essence is the creative spirit. It is not isn't always going to be soft and quiet -Love essence can be fierce sometimes: fire, water, earth, air, ether…. Love is all of this, it is the creative impulse, it is the growth impulse, but not a growth at the expense of others, or other. Love is an expansive, and exploratory energy.
And you, in order to be expensive and exploratory, had to leave every piece of fear, every piece of doubt of you not being something good and right then you had to remove that. Every piece of doubt that ‘you couldn’t…’ -you couldn't survive, you couldn't live. Now, this sounds strange, you, used to being independent for so many years had no doubt that you could survive and live, but ha ha here we go: it's man, charging in with masculinity, with big power, “I want you! I want you to come, I want you to sell your furniture, I want you to come now!” “oh no, you can't come now, it's too dangerous.” etc.etc.
What do you do with that?
That's what I dealt with: the excitement of a man! A man of character, of substance, of energy… But, what did you find in that field?
Many, many, many, many, many, many, many contra-dictions: “this!”, “no, this!”“this!”, “no, this!”“this!”, “no, this!” -and yes, that is his job his world to work out, to disentangle, and what did it give you?
It took the rug from under your feet. You went with his flow of power: “ Yes! Let us be together, us too wonderful beautiful, love, passion, joy, husband, wife, exciting….” and then, “no”, nothing, “no” nothing, “no” nothing… Wow!”
17.20 I ask my Spirit to explain to me this pattern ( I am not the only woman experiencing this right now!) and what I have gained from it, from my under-standing, my inner-standing, my processing.
I talk about my previous marriage made at age 19. I called him “my brakes”: I wanted to do this, "no”. I wanted to do this, "no”. This? “No!” no, no. no, stop, stop, stop!
He was a more profound emanation of what I had experienced as a child, I just didn't realise I was caged in. And suddenly I felt a bit freer, more powerful, as a mother; having three beautiful beings to nurture and love, you expand. So I got beyond the confines of my cage, but I didn't realise I was still carrying the idea over cage around me, because that have been set up in the culture around- I call it the old patriarchal structure but of course it is the cabal, the khazarian mafia, the darker entity control system. And I still had those believe surrounding me, so my marriage was like that at the end, -a set of brakes. When I got out of that, (the eclipse year of 1999), I set about finding freedoms, and I had a lot of adventures, and forays into, “What could I be?” “What am I?” “How can I be ?” - It is extraordinary really what I did, because I had no resources: no physical resources, no money, few social contacts, no support from my family- in fact, I had extreme animosity from my family, and my children were being stolen from me. Somehow, I made this adventures into “Yes, I am a singer!" Yes, I create music, yes I am a dancer, yes I create dance, I am a visionary yes, I create performance and stories and books and experience….” And from that wild, extraordinary foray into adventure, I then built many, many experiences, which allowed me to become a wonderful guide and teacher of children.

20.05 For now we get to the stage where I have this wonderful man at my doorstep -almost. And we need to clear the remnants of past conditioning so that we can become the “sovereign integral”. I allowed myself to be entrapped by something in his mind. I gave him too much of my life structure, because he was not fully ready for me. How did I manage to love him and yet put myself in such jeopardy?
22.50 What have I grown into? Was I a fool? No- because ethics was your heart questing. The path of the spirit, the walking out over the air, daring to put one foot in front of the other- what do you know? You have a current of feeling and you dare to follow it- your inner-tuition.
You are shaping your reality, but you are in a framework of all kinds of other energy: the flow of energy all around you. You adapt and shift and change- like everything in nature. Educating yourself into ‘flow’, but your world likes to make things ‘concrete’- I illustrate this with a marketing message.
The structure of so-called facts sought to take all of our authority from us. Everything we thought we knew was solid- is not. Nothing is a hard, undeniable ‘something’ any more. The only ‘fact’ is, that we ARE RIGHT HERE IN THIS MOMENT’. Every single structure we now know is based upon lies. What are we left with? the concept of FLOW.
22.40 SO are we creating a ‘trust’ with another human when we interact? They need to ‘buy’ what we are presenting to be in relationship.
( I have made the following in to TikTok shorts, under these titles: )
23.53 you know you are shaping your reality
24.42 we like to make concrete things
28.02 the new love-beings
30.47 POWER of SPIRIT, not authority
33.30 what IS your power -the stability of the signal you are sending
36.49 the REASON the two of you are together
38.41 come into complete ownership of YOUR self
41.09 atmospheric information the sovereign integral
44.12 owning our full SPIRITS the christos consciousness
50.05 it is not a time for rigidity

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
You can message me on this page to book a personal session,
and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website using the email box.
I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :
Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address
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