March 18th - Allergies; seasonal vs year-round

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Doug Talks About: Allergies; seasonal vs year-round

WELCOME TO SPRING…ALLERGY SEASON! Here comes the pollen from trees, weeds, and grasses and into your nostrils they go! The rest, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you already know! In 1972, I became certified as an allergy technician. I performed nasal cytograms, did scratch tests, drew blood for allergy testing and gave allergy shots to hundreds of people. We charged $7 for allergy shots. Trust me when I tell you that every year the quantity of pollen changed, the date that allergy season began changed, and people’s symptoms changed from year to year. Now comes information on a medical website that the reason allergies change is because the climate changes. Let's discuss this and so much more. Do you have allergies? - Doug

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