What is Your Life? (Parang Kailan Lang…) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

11 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Life, Death and the Ministry
What is Your Life?
(Parang Kailan Lang…)
March 17, 2024

Text: James 4:13-17

Objective: that the brethren Know how and what to make out of their short lives

Define – life, good, time
Non-believers’ senseless views
Verses – life is short

Things to Consider in our lives:
1. Do Not Assume – v.13
a. Plan ahead but not more than that…
2. Accept the Fact the Life is short – v.14
a. Also it’s meaninglessness apart from the Lord and His plans
3. Always Choose the Lord’s direction – v.15
a. Choose as you may, but not stray away from the Lord’s direction
4. Prideful People make out their Own purposes and are “happy” with it – v.16
a. Prideful in this manner is very bad
5. Do the Lord’s good will while you can, and Not Make Excuses… v.17
a. Full sermon on making excuses


Life is Short, make the most of it by Doing the will of God, serving the Lord

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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