The Vegetarian Fitness Bachelor

5 months ago

Hey Fam... It's your boy. I go by many names, rarely my real one. Just decided to post what I do often. I'm a plant based spirit... Sometimes I may drop in consciousness when having a donut or something... But actually I haven't find that in a while... I've been on my hardcore spiritual path since before I could remember starting... Now that I'm in the mix, I know it's just been a show Awakening process. Let's just say I chose an email with the numbers 2012 before 2012 came... To know more about me, one channel I have on YT is at BiddyTVnetworks... You can also search BiddyBatesFitness. That's my main... But I have more too... These days are very strenuous, but it's all about just navigating through this chaos... If you know what I mean. Either the outside distraction, or cleaning out the chaos within. I hope you enjoy the things I post.

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